Happy New Year from CHPAMS

Year 2015 was the first full year after CHPAMS received its 501c non-profit status.  With the support from CHPAMS members and friends, we have made substantial accomplishments and progress.  As we enter the new year of 2016, we want to extend the most sincere greetings to you.  We wish you a prosperous and successful 2016 that is filled with happiness and love!

一元复始山河美,万象更新锦绣春。2015年是CHPAMS与许许多多的新老朋友携手共进、增进友谊的一年。在会员和朋友的努力下,我们取得了许多进步和成就。在2016开始之际,CHPAMS向所有新老朋友致以新年的问候: 祝大家在2016年里事业有成! 身体健康! 家庭幸福!