Issue 69, May 2018

From Editors

CHPAMS Newsletter is a monthly e-newsletter from the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS). The Newsletter serves as a communication platform to provide updates and activities related to CHPAMS and information of potential interest for CHPAMS members.

Newly Elected Board of Directors (2018-2020)

President: Xi Chen


Xi Chen, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of Global Health Policy and Economics at Yale University. He is also a faculty fellow at Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale Climate Change and Health Initiative, Yale Macmillan Center, Yale Institute for Network Science, and Yale-China Association. His research focuses on public policies related to childhood development, population aging, climate change and health, and quality of life. Professor Chen is a Research Fellow at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics, Fellow and Research Cluster Lead in Environment and Human Capital at the Global Labor Organization, Consultant at the United Nations, Adjunct Professor and Senior Research Fellow at Peking University, and Alumni Affiliate of Cornell Institute on Health Economics, Health Behaviors and Disparities. He co-leads workshops, didactics, and seminars at Yale Program on Aging and Yale Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center. He served as President-Elect of China Health Policy and Management Society. Professor Chen's work has been recognized through numerous awards, such as the Outstanding Dissertation Award of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, the George Warren Award, the Macmillan Award, the James Tobin Award, the Kempf Award, and the PEPPER Scholar Award. His research funded by NIH, USDA, and other public and private funding sources has resulted in 40 peer-reviewed publications and been covered in 100 popular media worldwide. In the past five years, Professor Chen has supervised more than 20 postdoctoral fellows and PhD students worldwide. His Yale College students have won outstanding senior essay awards. Professor Chen obtained a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from Cornell University.

Secretary: Zheng (Jane) Li


Dr. Zheng (Jane) Li is a Lead Environmental Health Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). She received a BS in chemistry from Wuhan University, MS in chemistry from Mississippi State University, PhD in environmental engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology with a minor in environmental health from Emory University, and a MPH from the University of South Florida. Her research interests include environmental science and engineering, environmental epidemiology, air pollution, exposure assessment, analytical chemistry, etc. She provides technical guidance, advice, and consultation to internal and external partners on environmental health, biomonitoring, and health studies to assess human exposure to hazardous chemicals and potential adverse health outcomes. She received the Best PhD Thesis Award from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a number of awards from CDC/ATSDR. She was the President of the Association of Asian and Pacific Islander Employee of CDC/ATSDR (2012-2014). She served on the CHPAMS Planning Committee in 2010-2013 and has been serving on CHPAMS Board of Directors as the Director of Public Relations (2014-2016) and Secretary (2016-2018). 

Treasurer: Xuesong Han


Dr. Xuesong Han is a cancer epidemiologist and health services researcher at the American Cancer Society.  Her research largely focuses on the impact of health insurance and related policies on cancer care and outcomes. Her research interests also include cancer survivorship and health equity. Xuesong received her PhD in Epidemiology & Public Health from Yale University in 2010, and completed a two-year fellowship at the Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She currently holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University. Dr. Han is a founding member of CHPAMS and served as Director of Membership in 2016-2018.

Director of Academics: Haidong Wang


Haidong Wang is a demographer and global health researcher. He currently is a Population Affairs Officer at the United Nations Population Division in New York. Before joining the United Nations, he was an Associate Professor of Global Health at the University of Washington where he has played a key role in the Global Burden of Disease Study. He has published extensively on population health metrics and disease burden. He also has a vested interest in population health in China, having published on national and provincial level burden of disease analysis, and county level child mortality assessment. 

Director of Fund Raising: Liang Wang


Dr. Liang Wang is an Associate Professor with Tenure in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, College of Public Health, at East Tennessee State University (ETSU). His research focuses on obesity, nutrition epidemiology, health disparities, health education and promotion, etc. Dr. Wang has published over 80 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, etc. He is also the reviewer for more than 30 international academic journals. His research has been sponsored by National Institute of Health (NIH), PCORI, etc. Dr. Wang used to work in fortune 500 companies (including GlaxoSmithKline plc, Tyco International Ltd). In addition, he was the only trainee selected from the US for 2015 Chinese Nutrition Leadership Program (CNLP-5) held by Chinese Nutrition Society (CNS). Dr. Wang has held various leadership positions in the field of public health, including Board Director of China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS), Founding President of the International Chinese Nutrition Young Scholar Network (ICNYSN), Associate Director of China-Tennessee Health Education Training Institute, Chair of Public Relationship Committee of North America Chinese Society for Nutrition (NACSN), etc. He has been awarded for his outstanding leadership and contribution, such as Outstanding Leadership and Service Award, NACSN in 2016, Dean’s Special Recognition Award for University (ETSU) Leadership Faculty Senate in 2017, and Dean’s Special Recognition Award for Service on the Faculty Council in 2017. He was also the Nominee of Faculty Mentor of the Year, Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)-State Doctoral Scholars Program in 2014. He has been serving on CHPAMS Board of Directors as the Director of Public Relations (2016-2018).

Director of Membership: Jin Feng


Dr. Jin Feng is professor of Economics at Fudan University and the dean of faculty of public economics. She is also the vice director in Employment and Social Security Research Center of Fudan University. She was a visiting scholar in University of Michigan, University of Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute, Bank of Finland (Bofit), University of Paris1 and Maison des sciences de l'homme. of France. She is selected into “Program for New Century Excellent talents” by Ministry of Education of China. Her publications and research interests focus on social security reforms, health insurance, health care and elderly care in China. She has papers published in Journal of Comparative Economics, Feminist Economics, Frontiers of Economics in China, China and World Economy and Chinese top journals. Her research projects won grants from National Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Agriculture of China and Ministry of Education of China, etc. Her books and papers won prizes from Ministry of Education and Shanghai municipality. She is serving on the boards of Social Security, Chinese Women Economists Society, Committee of Undergraduate Study in Economics in Shanghai. She also worked as a consultant for labor department in local government and for several private companies.

Director of Public Relations: Lizheng Shi


Lizheng Shi, PhD, MsPharm, has trained as a pharmacist (B.S. in pharmacy 1992, M.S. in pharmacy 1994) through Shanghai Medical University and Peking Union Medical College, respectively. He has also trained as an economist (M.A. in economics 1998, PhD in pharmaceutical economics and policy 2001) through the University of Southern California. He is the Regents Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Global Health Management and Policy at School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and Clinical Associate Professor in Department of Medicine (Section of Endocrinology) and Department of Psychiatry. He is the Director for Health Systems Analytics Research Center (HSARC). He is a member of editorial board for Pharmacoeconomics and Global Health Journal. He was the past President (2014-2015) of Chinese Economists Society (CES).  Dr. Shi’s current research interest includes health technology assessment and health care quality, access, and evaluation. He is also interested in pharmacoepidemilogy with a focus on safety issues in medication treatment and medical informatics to improve quality and safety of patient care.  He has published more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and served as principal investigators (PI) and co-PI for more than 40 research grants and contracts from NIH, AHRQ, PCORI, and other public and private funding sources.

President-elect: Dr. Lizheng Shi





Experts from the United States and China gathered at Yale University late this week on the advances of health policy and healthcare in the two countries.

The conference, Advances in Health Policy and Healthcare: The Road Ahead, took place at the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) on May 11-13.

This was the second Biennial Conference of the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS), a non-profit academic organization focused on the advancement and dissemination of health policy and healthcare management in China.

It was co-hosted by Yale School of Public Health, Yale Macmillan Center, Yale Institute for Global Health, and Yale-China Association.

The conference brought together more than 200 prominent public health, economics and data science researchers, healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, NGOs, government officials from the United States, China, and other regions in the world for organized sessions, roundtables and workshops, information sessions centered around scholarly exchanges and professional development.

This year's CHPAMS biennial conference focused on Healthy China 2030 national blueprint. Since October 2016, the national program of action, which would promote the health of 1.4 billion Chinese population, has been central to the Chinese government's agenda for health and development, and has the potential to benefit the rest of the world.  


XINHUANET: U.S., China experts to discuss advances in health policy at Yale

人民网: 中美探索慢病防控合作新趋向

Yale School of Public Health: Yale School of Public Health to co-host conference on advances in health policy and healthcare in China and the United States

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Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor
School of Public Health, Peking University
Deadline: Currently open
[Location: Beijing-China]

Medical Writers
Rude Health Consulting
Deadline: Currently open
[Location: Shanghai-China]

Health Economics, Consulting
Deadline: Currently open
[Location: Shanghai-China]

United States   

Tenure-Track Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in Climate Change and Health
Yale School of Public Health
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: New Haven, CT] 

Research Scientist II (Health Informatics)
Health Research, Inc.
Deadline: 6th June 2018
[Location: Menands, New York] 

City of San Antonio Metro Health District
Deadline: 19th June 2018
[Location: San Antonio, Texas] 

Assistant or Associate Professors, (Tenure or Non-Tenure Track)
Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health
Deadline: Currently open
[Location: New York, New York]


Researcher in Evidence Synthesis
Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Deadline: 8th June, 2018
[Location: Oxford, UK] 

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The Chinese Economists Society 2018 Presidents’ Forum “New Challenges for Economic Policy and Management”
Conference time: June 20-22, 2018
[Location: Ningbo]

2018 3rd International Conference on Earth Science, Energy and Environment Protection (ESEEP 2018)
Conference time: 22-24 June, 2018
[Location: Zhuhai]

China International Conference in Macroeconomics (CICM)
Conference time: 23-24 June, 2018
[Location: Beijing]

Conference time: 18th August, 2018
[Location: Beijing]

2018 4th International Conference on Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Conference time: 15-17 December, 2018
[Location: Xi’an]

United States   

APHA's Annual Meeting and Expo
Conference time: 10-14 November, 2018
[Location: San Diego, CA]

Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health
Conference time: December 3-5, 2018
[Location: Washington D.C.]

Other Countries  

11th European Public Health Conference 2018
Conference time: 28 November - 1 December 2018
[Location: Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia]

14th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases
Conference time: 6-9 November, 2018
[Location: Sitges, Spain]

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Research Updates

Fang, L., Gao, P., Bao, H., Tang, X., Wang, B., Feng, Y., Cong, S., Juan, J., Fan, J., Lu, K. and Wang, N., 2018. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in China: a nationwide prevalence study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.

Lu, J., Lu, Y., Wang, X., Li, X., Linderman, G.C., Wu, C., Cheng, X., Mu, L., Zhang, H., Liu, J. and Su, M., 2017. Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in China: data from 1· 7 million adults in a population-based screening study (China PEACE Million Persons Project). The Lancet, 390(10112), pp.2549-2558.

Wang, C., Xu, J., Yang, L., Xu, Y., Zhang, X., Bai, C., Kang, J., Ran, P., Shen, H., Wen, F. and Huang, K., 2018. Prevalence and risk factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in China (the China Pulmonary Health [CPH] study): a national cross-sectional study. The Lancet, 391(10131), pp.1706-1717.

Sun, X., Tan, J., Tang, L., Guo, J.J. and Li, X., 2018. Real world evidence: experience and lessons from China. BMJ, 360, p.j5262.

Fu, W., Zhao, S., Zhang, Y., Chai, P. and Goss, J., 2018. Research in health policy making in China: out-of-pocket payments in Healthy China 2030. BMJ, 360, p.k234.

Ma, Y., Congdon, N., Shi, Y., Hogg, R., Medina, A., Boswell, M., Rozelle, S. and Iyer, M., 2018. Effect of a Local Vision Care Center on Eyeglasses Use and School Performance in Rural China: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Ophthalmology.

Yu, K., Qiu, G., Chan, K.H., Lam, K.B.H., Kurmi, O.P., Bennett, D.A., Yu, C., Pan, A., Lv, J., Guo, Y. and Bian, Z., 2018. Association of solid fuel use with risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in rural China. JAMA, 319(13), pp.1351-1361.

Xu, X., Mishra, G.D., Dobson, A.J. and Jones, M., 2018. Progression of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke multimorbidity in middle-aged women: A 20-year cohort study. PLoS medicine, 15(3), p.e1002516.

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